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Python Programming Not Python Snake


 Hello evryone, in today's article, we talk about the computer programming language which most people thought of relating to the reptile snake which turns out to be Fasle


 Python, not referring to the reptile snake but the computer programming language is in no doubt one of the powerful programming languages in today's global village.

  Developed by the Dutch born developer/programmer Guido van Rossum and inspired by the British surreal comedy group in the 1970s called "Monty Python" where he got the name for his programming language "Python".

  In 1991, van Rossum released Python which he envisioned in the late 1980s

".... In December 1989, I was looking for a 'hobby' programming project that would keep me occupied during the week around Christmas. My office ... would be closed, but I had a home computer, and not much else on my hands. I decided to write an
interpreter for the new scripting language I had been thinking about lately: a descendant of ABC that would appeal to Unix/C hackers. I chose Python as a working title for the project, being in
a slightly irreverent mood (and a big fan of Monty Python's Flying Circus)."
By Alessio Bragadini - originally posted to Flickr as Guido van Rossum, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6435783

  As we can see, Python is no way related to the reptile snake but a high level computer programming language just as JavaScript, Lua, Java, R, Perl, PHP, C++, C# and many more.

  Python i will say is a compiled interpreted language thus reads Python source codes line by line and along the way executes it .

  What do I mean? Let's look at this scenario;  

 Whenever a Python code is executed, it first checks for the syntax and throws an error if any, if no errors it then compiles the source code (human readable code) and converts it to bycodes(Machine code) which are loaded in system memory are then interpreted and get executed.

 Why Python in general? 

 As stated earlier, one of the popular programing languages by no doubt, unlike the others, it is easy to read out the source code and best option for beginners as source codes written in the Python language are comparable to the English language. Easy and clean syntaxes makes Python lovable. 
 A look at how the legendary "Hello World" is coded out in Assembly, C++, Java and Python .

include 'win32axp.inc'
invoke AllocConsole
invoke WriteConsole,,tex,tex.size,dummy,0
invoke Sleep,-1
.end start

tex TCHAR 'Hello World!'
.size = ($-tex)
dummy rd 1


void main()
cout << “Hello World”;

public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args)

System.out.println(“Hello World”);

print("Hello World")

 Now you can see what is happening above? Writing a simple "Hello World" took only one line of code using python which emphasises the simplicity of programming in python. 

 Talking of simplicity, Instagram Engineer Zekan Li, had something to say and I quote:

  “We began using Python early on because of its simplicity,” 

 Instagram as at now, the largest website using Django, a python framework to build their website. 
Popular companies such as Google, IBM, NASA, Facebook, Netflix and many others adapt to Python. 

  As a beginner or as an expect in the python programming language, you don't get lost whenever an issue arises, you have a huge python community where lot of pythonists (Python Programmers) are ready to offer you the helping hand.
Kaggle, StackOverflow are all available.

  A quick look at the usefulness of Python programming language. 

  As preferred for scripting some years ago, Python has gain the popularity in most aspects in the technology world. More useful than just a scripting language as it used to be ,Python can be used to accomplish almost every task in today's technology world with the help of its many useful advanced frameworks and libraries. 

We talk of scripting, what does this actually mean? 

  Well, scripting which python was tagged in recent years in general is writing small programming codes to complete a simple task.
   For instance, a company needs to count the number of email addresses received daily and sum them up weekly, monthly or even yearly, Python comes in support to accomplish this task with few lines of codes to easily accomplish this. 

Python is more than that and below are some of the areas we can use Python to accomplish in the real world:

  Desktop Applications
  Mobile Applications
  Game Development
  Web Development
  Data Science (Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Data Visualisation)
  Embedded Applications
  Hacking and Networking
  Web scrapping and many more to talk about in our next article.

  Really? All these? Yes really and all these are possible for python because of its unique features which we will discuss about in one of our upcoming articles. 

  Ok, so in this article we discussed about the Python Programming language not relating to the Reptile snake , a quick historical background, amazing features and its applications in the real world.
  So I almost forgot Python has two versions which are Python 2 and Python 3.
Though not much differences but slight changes in syntax and other features added to Python 3.
  As a beginner, I will recommend Python 3 as it is the future and will be in support for many years to come as Python 2 will have an end in support very soon.

 As we conclude , feel free contacting us on anything you don't understand in this article via the comment box or contact page.
  Also, your supports are welcome.   

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