The latest WhatsApp beta, which comes by the version number 2.19.110, includes improvements to the app’s new Doodle UI interface. Right now, you can stamp a number of emojis on your pictures with WhatsApp’s image editor (dubbed Doodle UI), but these emojis are very much different from the ones included throughout the entire WhatsApp interface: these are actually the same as Twitter’s, while WhatsApp uses an entirely original emoji set inspired on iOS’ emojis throughout the rest of the app. Now, in order to ensure consistency, these are being changed for the native WhatsApp emojis as well.
Additionally, animated stickers seem to be making their way to WhatsApp. Stickers were introduced fairly recently to the app, but they’ve managed to take on greatly since it supports third-party sticker packs. They’ve been supported in apps like Facebook Messenger for a while. This is also set to come to WhatsApp as well, probably as part of the effort Facebook is making towards unifying WhatsApp-Messenger-Instagram messaging.
Again, none of these features are currently enabled and live as of this article’s writing, not even in this latest beta build. However, the fact that they are there means that they are currently being worked on, and will soon be rolled out to WhatsApp users worldwide.